bloggy giveaway carnival

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

Comments are now closed. Winners will be announced Saturday, April 26. Thank you for all your great comments and ideas. –annie

Yes ma’am. It’s time to give away some love. And I know how you love you some good spring cleaning products or maybe a break from it?? So, the grand prize giveaway. How about a Dyson vacuum cleaner? Shipped to your home just in time for allergy season to race through your spring cleaning with that super-charged ball technology.

And the second giveaway is a $20 gift card from Starbucks, for five lucky winners.

So here are the rules. This giveaway is open to US and Canada residents only. The Dyson will be sent directly to your home, so be sure you have a physical address to deliver it, and a contact email if yours is a no-reply address! In the comments, just tell me your best tip for Spring cleaning this year or a good reason not to! I will love hearing from you. On Saturday, I’ll draw six winners and post the names! I will attempt to use Random Number generator for the winners (so many firsts for this novice blogger), so just a sweet short post is appreciated! Visit the bloggy giveaway site for other FREE giveaways, and thanks for stopping by!

433 thoughts on “bloggy giveaway carnival

  1. my tip is to do it on a day where it’s sunny and breezy, otherwise you’ll want to curl up with a blanket on a stormy day!

  2. My tip for spring cleaning is don’t stress over it too much, set a timer for 10 minutes and do a little each night.
    I SO need a new vacume so my pregnant body doesn’t have to cart the old heavy one up and down 2 sets of stairs!
    jandh at

  3. My tip is little and most women probably already do this, but . . . wow, it really helps when I wash the dishes with every meal instead of leaving them all for the end of the day. With a little cleaning effort every day, spring cleaning isn’t such a big deal. Obviously this is for folks without dishwashers!

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    emhagedon at gmail

  4. Wow! What a giveaway! My best cleaning tip? After I clean my exterior windows, I use RainX on them. They stay noticeably cleaner for longer.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win such an amazing prize 🙂

    ldfouch at cableone dot net

  5. Spring cleaning huh! Well, I am not that great about it, but I do know you need to change your air filters regularly and you should buy a water heater blanket to cover you water heater to conserve energy. Does that count?
    This is a great giveaway!!

  6. Thanks for a great giveaway! I hope i’m the lucky winner 🙂

    my best spring cleaning tip is to make your own cleaning supplies and do the windows — open the windows and dust and vacuum to help get rid of allergens

  7. i would love to win that vacuum, my old one could use replacing!! And my tip is, make sure to get the whole family to help out! Dont clean alone!!

  8. Best spring cleaning tips – well this is what works for me.

    Open the windows, put on your iPod and get to it! Also, run a lemon half through your garbage disposal – it’ll make your kitchen smell so good!

  9. I would love to win the vacume. My excuse for not spring cleaning is I clean other people’s house so I have no energy for mine:)

  10. I have two kids under the age of 5 so it is tough to get alot of cleaning done. What I have learned to do is do one room each day of the week and give the kids each small tasks to do so they can feel involved. I find this works for me.

  11. OH MY! What a great giveaway!!!! This year, I realized to need to clean baseboards! They were so dirty! So, my tip would be to move all furniture and clean those baseboards… you will be amazed at all the dirt!

  12. One room a day… that’s my tip. I put off cleaning as long as I can, lol. So I don’t get overwhelmed. I start in our room & work towards the other end of the house. By the end of the week, every room has been cleaned top to bottom!

    Great giveaway!

  13. My best spring cleaning tip is to get hubby and the little one out of the house and clean. I love using Method products for the bathroom, they make me not totally dread cleaning. I would really love to try a Dyson (my dream machine) for spring cleaning.

  14. Ooooh this is a way cool!! Okay, the easiest way to do spring cleaning for me is to gather up all of the stuff we’ve stored over the winter and packed in the garage and have a yard sale with friends. It clears the clutter quickly and helps you and the kids earn a little pocket change. A good reason not to spring clean, which is more attractive to me than doing it, is because I’d rather be out of this home that needs spring cleaning and enjoying Spring on a beach somewhere!! Count me in this giveaway. I can go out and enjoy the Starbuck’s green tea latte. That’s another reason for not spring cleaning!

  15. I don’t have a good spring cleaning tip but a good reason not to spring clean is to take the kids out to the park while the weather is still tolerable before the hot Texas summer sets in

  16. I hate cleaning but love a clean house. lol Both of my girls have allergies so I just try to keep everything dust free. A dyson vacuum would sure help with that. lol thank you!

  17. One of our crucial spring cleaning tasks is treating the carpets with Allercare or something similar so we stay less snuffly. This is usually repeated after late spring pollen spikes, and periodically throughout the summer if we have the house open a lot.

    This looks great!

    radiationchic (at) hotmail (dot) com

  18. My best tip is to clean a little every day so that the spring cleaning isn’t too hard on everyone. Also, involve the kids.

    hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

  19. Love your header. The passage really hint me in a good way. As for your wonderful giveaway…I’d LOVE to win a Dyson. As for a tip…well whatever I do my mini me is in tow….so make sure all hazards are out of the way and all chemicals are out of reach as you clean. I caught my daughter the other night before she did some real damage with the Windex.

  20. My spring cleaning tip is do one room at a time — at least you feel like you accomplished something as each room gets completed….

  21. My best tip is to do two or three rooms a day. Cleaning from top to bottom can take alot out of you, so if you take it in smaller doses, your body, mind, and spirit will thank you.

    egreca (at) hotmail [dot] com

  22. I break my cleaning down over a couple of days so I don’t do it all at once…and I don’t sweat the small stuff when I can’t get to it!


  23. Spring cleaning is a drag but to make it easier, keep up with clutter year round. when spring comes it’s much easier to get through the chores without having to stop and keep putting things away.

  24. My spring cleaning tip: one room at a time, top to bottom….it’s nice to be able to check another room/thing off the list…makes me feel like I’ve accomplished more.
    The Dyson would help clean, starbucks would give me the energy to clean. : )

  25. The best spring cleaning tip?
    She will cut your cleaning time down to next to nothin’ I promise and then you have more time to spend playin’ in the yard.

  26. I make it a game for my kids. I give them all swiffer dusters and we see who can dust the most wood work in the house.

  27. My spring cleaning tip is just to buy a new house! LOL, but seriously…my DH & I just decided to buy a new home, so we went crazy this weekend (w/ the help of my parents) cleaning, painting, organizing, moving & rearranging…the house is spic and span!

  28. it may seemlike common sense but so many people don’t do this. before we put out our summer clothes we go through them.. if they weren’t worn last summer they don’t go in the closet, they instead get placed in a box for a garage sale. btw this may be the most awesome giveaway with the dyson

  29. My spring cleaning tip is… 15min. a day in each room. No more, no less and within a couple weeks that hibernation clutter is *poof* gone =P oh and Murphy’s oil, it’s such a great product if you have wood floors like I do =)

  30. Thank you sister for spreading His Word. We live on the ocean with the marsh(Mother Natures nursery) directly beside us. Alot of nature! I just open doors and windows, and my eyes!

  31. My best tip is about utilizing your kids. I put a little cleaner on the baseboards. Then I gave the 6 year old an old toothbrush and he went to it. His pay? An item of his choice from the dollar store. Beat that bargain!

  32. Okay, to get my kids to help without much whining I let them choose which thing they will be doing. My 5 year old loves to dust, and the 10 year old loves to vacuum. So they do that and mama and daddy does more. Thanks for the chance. Dyson, in my dreams.

  33. Whoa a Dyson Vacuum cleaner!? Nifty.

    I’m best at the tips on how not to clean…because it’s spring and it’s just too beautiful to stay in and clean. I’d entice the family with a picnic lunch and say we’re heading to a park rather then being stuck indoors 😉

  34. WOW! What a truly generous prize! And open to Canadians as well, yay!

    I’m moving shortly and would love the chance to win a Dyson (or some Starbucks to keep me fuelled up)!

  35. My spring cleaning tip would be to do one room at a time over several weeks OR invite company to come stay with you for extra motivation OR put your house on the market and try to keep it ready to show at all times OR see if hubby will give you a one time cleaning service as a gift for mother’s day. 🙂

  36. My spring tip – Dejunk. I’m a packrat this is hard for me to do. I’ve spent this week weeding out toys and books and I’m liking it! It’ll be much easier to keep clean (thereby reducing the need for the major spring cleaning)

    Whoo Hooo!


  37. Best cleaning tip? Do a little at a time so it doesn’t pile up and take FOREVER. Now if only I could practice what I preach! :0)

    Thanks! Awesome giveaway!

  38. My best tip for spring cleaning (just talking to myself here) is get rid of some junk and declutter. At least it would making the cleaning part a tad easier. Thank you for your generosity 🙂

  39. Ohhh! I love this vacuum!

    My spring cleaning tip would be set aside enough time so you don’t have to rush then go room by room and orgaize everything.

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    annieseyes rocks!



  40. Got labels or stickers on walls? Apply a snall amount of baby oil or even mayo to the sticker and allow it to soak thru the paper. Then apply gentle heat with a hair dryer and scrap off with a plastic scraper.

  41. Vinegar is awesome. It cleans, and removes dust and leaves no streaks even on walls. It’s cheap, environmentally friendly and is rare to cause allergic reactions to anyone.
    Wonderful prize! Thanks for participating in the giveaway.
    Hoping I win.

  42. Best Spring Cleaning Tip:
    Make a detailed list, get the supplies ready and then get rid of the kids for the day. Send dad to the laundry mat with all the things that need washed (clothes, curtains, sheets….) No distractions, no thinking…just hard work and then dinner out.

    monicabird AT gmail DOT com

  43. My best spring cleaning tip is try to keep up with small cleaning projects throughout the year so you don’t have to do a huge overhaul in the spring! Thanks for the chance to win!

  44. Best tip? ONE task at a time. Whenever I think of everything I have to do, I get overwhelmed. But, I if I say, “Today I’m getting the kitchen clean” it seems more manageable.
    Best tip NOT to clean: my vacuum is broken. Seriously! I’d love to win this. However, it’s gotten me closer to my neighbor since I have been borrowing hers!:)

  45. Spring Cleaning isn’t fun to do but some times it is something we need to do. My main tip is to open up the windows and let all the fresh air in so it gives me the boost that I need to get started. Not much of a tip but it works for me.

    Great…no….WONDERFUL giveaway!

    Have a fun time this week with your giveaway. Don’t forget to head on over to my blog and enter my giveaway!

  46. What an amazing giveaway! My Spring Cleaning tip is to work it out where you don’t have to Spring clean. Divide what you would normally do in a Spring Clean by 12 and do one of those things each month. It should only take a couple of hours and you don’t miss whole days in the Spring.

  47. My tip is to use microfiber towels. You can use them on glass, desks, chairs, furniture and practically anything. They are way more earth-friendly so you won’t go through dozens and dozens of paper towels so you can lessen the impact on waste in the world. All you need is a water and the rag and it doesn’t leave behind fuzz!

  48. Well, Don Aslette (sp?) is the king of clean, and he says it makes way more sense to “winter” clean vs spring clean, but with three boys I clean all the time anyway!

    I make my own cleaning products, and laundry soap.

    My husband uses coffee filters to clean windows, and it leaves them sparkly and streak free.

    My email:
    phreckleface at yahoo dot com


  49. Awesome giveaway!

    My tip, from a friend of mine:
    Take all the clothes in your closet and turn the hangers BACKWARDS. Each time you wear something or wash something, hang it up with the hanger the regular, forwards, way. After a period of time, you’ll know what you don’t wear and what you should give to charity. And you’ll have a clean closet! 🙂

  50. A good reason not to Spring clean?…how about all the dust? Because we have enough allergies around springtime anyway! 😀

  51. I don’t have many spring cleaning tips since I work full time and have been finishing my master’s degree. But now that exams are over, I can plug full force into getting my house clean- finally!


  52. I’d love to win the dyson! My spring cleaning tip is to send the small kids away and concentrate on one room at a time.

  53. Tip: Start with the high dusty places and work your way to the floors! I am just happy to open windows finally!
    I would love to win this great prize! Thanks for the chance to win!

  54. A DYSON? Are you kidding me? I think I could die and go to heaven because my life will be complete (mostly) when I own one of those.

    My best tip is to make your own cleaners, using essential oils. (Or just buy Mrs. Meyer’s!) I have noticed since using the lavender scented products from that line, that cleaning is so relaxing & I just feel good.

    Of course, I’m good at avoiding as well. When the weather is nice, it’s much more fun to take the kids out to play than it is to run around picking up after them.

    Although with a new Dyson I think I could vacuum for hours and never tire…

    gibmom at gmail dot com

  55. I don’t do any specific “spring cleaning”. I just try to keep things clean as I go. (Doesn’t always work, but I can try.)

  56. after a long and dreadful winter….i will spend my spring time outside and clean in the fall! how about that for an advice!

  57. I’m working on teaching my kids to help clean a little everyday–to put things back along the way so that there isn’t an enormous mess at the end of the day to put away. It’s slow going, though! I’d love to just forget about it and go smell the roses 😉

    f dot chen at comcast dot net

  58. What a fantastic giveaway! My cleaning tip would be to not try to get it all done in one day. Pace yourself, and have everyone pitch in. And order pizza or take out for dinner so you don’t have to deal with cooking on top of cleaning!

  59. What a great giveaway! My cleaning tip is to spray down everything and let it sit a few minutes before wiping – makes it much easier!

  60. Wow!! A Dyson!! An amazing giveaway – and Starbucks is great, too! 🙂

    I wish I had a good Spring Cleaning tip, but I’m just trying to keep up with regular cleaning right now. I’m the one who needs the tips!

  61. I don’t really do a spring cleaning either. Once the warm weather hits, we *live* outside. Unfortunately, lots and lots of dirt makes it’s way in regardless so we do a fall cleaning before we are cooped up for winter! 🙂

    Thanks for offering these great prizes!

    Tamara (AK)
    mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

  62. I don’t bother with spring cleaning because the kids are outside playing so much more that they are constantly dragging in dirt and dried leaves!

  63. my best spring cleaning tip is to get rid of everything i havent used since the last spring. it clears up all kind of new space, and gets rid of layers of dust LOL.

    thanks for the great bloggy post.


    trepilynnell (at) juno (dot) com

  64. What awesome prizes!!!! I’d love them! This year, I have enlisted the help of my daughter. She is just old enough to start cleaning mirrors & windows, putting laundry in the washer & dryer, wiping sinks, etc… It’s so much more fun when I have a cleaning partner!

  65. Spring cleaning? What’s that? 🙂 My husband swears by his squeegee for cleaning the windows. And I have to admit, they come out without smears or smudges when he does the windows.

  66. My spring cleaning tip is to send out invitations for a springtime get together with some friends and their families.

    Not a better motivator to be found then a deadline and something you can’t back out of! Can you tell how much I love to clean?? Not!!

    Well, at least I get the joy of good company as my reward afterwards!

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

  67. My spring cleaning tip is to do it in little chunks. Trying to do everything all at once can overwhelm some people…especially me! Having a new vacuum would make that so much easier!

  68. What a great giveaway! The thing that is working for me this spring is enlisting help from my kids with penny chores. I get out my husbands penny collection and give my kids small activities that earn them a penny a job. It’s fun for all of us and helps this pregnant/tired mama. : )

  69. First Thank you for a chance to win such a great giveaway prize. My fave cleaning tip is- Borax laundry powder is the best wall/surface cleaner (the top of the fridge)Just mix with warm water and clean away!.


  70. Wow, what a giveaway, Thank you! I have always wanted a Dyson.
    My best Spring Cleaning tip is this…I do it in the fall. I would clean in the Spring from top to bottom, crown molding to baseboards, and I just felt like with all the windows open and the kids in and out all summer long with wet, dirty, or sandy feet it was a waste of time. I clean now in the fall, the kids are back in school, I have the time and the house will be closed up all winter, so I know that no dirt and sand will be blowing in.

  71. I love to open the windows and let the house “air out”. I love to see the curtains blowing in the breeze. Thanks, Kathy

  72. Great giveaway! My motivation for spring cleaning this year is $. That’s right. I’m having a garage sale! Somebody wants all my extra junk, right? It’s a win-win! Thanks for entering me.

  73. My tip – get Norwex anit-bacterial enviromental cloths and window cloths. No chemical needed and so easy to use. Clean really well once, then wipe every few days and house cleaning is a breeze! I love, love, love their products! You can check them out at
    I would love to win the vacuum or the gift cards – email me at rle75 (at) shaw (dot) ca if I am drawn.

  74. Ooh…my tip is to do something each day and keep up with it (these tips are more for me, I’m sure!)! THanks!

  75. Boy, I’d sure love a dyson! My tip is let the ltitle kids help if they want to. My little boys are really too little to help much, but they want to help me so I’ll give them something like a duster or rag and have them “clean”. This helps keep them busy so I can do some real cleaning.

  76. I have been cleaning like crazy and cleaning closets out, so I guess i could call that spring cleaning!
    I would love the new vacuum!

  77. A real Dyson? Oh my goodness I could so use one!

    My spring cleaning tip is to have company stay over. That always motivates me to get my place in order!

  78. I use Shaklee’s Basic H. It is super concentrated, so a little goes a long way. Plus, it cleans just about everything in your house, so you only need one product!

  79. GREAT giveaway!

    My spring cleaning tip is to have a large box handy at all times for GIVE AWAY! We have one on the back porch, as I go through things, I just add it to the box, then load it into the car. Then off to the goodwill! It keeps things from piling up or getting stuffed into plastic bags.

    Hey, if you have a chance, please stop by and visit my contest page too!

    my email is:
    racoo.smith at gmail dot com

    Thanks and have a lovely day!

  80. My gosh, what generous gifts you’re giving!! My tip is to not let it pile up too badly before you spring clean. So much easier to clean in short bursts along the way than great big marathon sessions (ya know… like the night before the in-laws come to visit… that’s my experience anyway! lol)

    mamaredhead at gmail dot com

  81. My best spring cleaning tip is to use your Children. My 2 and 3 years olds love to help I give them a baby wipe and away they go wiping down everything in their reach.

  82. My best tip: go through your kitchen, closets, and toys and purge what you are not using, what is broken or incomplete, or what you don’t like. Throw out what is not useable and donate the rest! The VA will usually pick things up for you. It’s so freeing and it’s amazing how much “stuff” accumulates! Wonderful giveaways!


  83. Wow! How exciting is this?!!?

    Well, my cleaning tip is to go room by room and start from the top down in each room. It breaks it down a bit and you’ll feel like you’ve accomplished lots more. And with the top down thing… you won’t be dirtying something you’ve already cleaned.

    Good luck!

  84. Yipee for great giveaways! Best spring cleaning tip…make an inventory of what needs to be done and split it with hubby!

  85. My spring cleaning tip is enlist your kids to help you out!

    I have been wanting a Dyson for quite a while!

    And I love Starbucks too!



  86. I got myself some Shaklee cleaning products recently. They’re free of toxic chemicals, so you won’t burn off all your nose hairs while cleaning the tub. So far I’ve been really impressed with how well they work!

  87. I have a perfect reason not to wash my sliding glass door. A new puppy that jumps all over it within 5 minutes of any attempt to wash the mud off 🙂

  88. I am not so good on spring cleaning… my tip would be to hire someone else to do it. Sorry… but I really need a new vacuum but I would be just as excited to win starbucks. 🙂

  89. Spring cleaning tip: reaffirm WHY you want a clean and tidy home. For me, it is to honor God and provide a good environment for my family. Reaffirming priorities does a lot for motivation! I’ve heard great things about Dyson and would love to try one out!

  90. Spring cleaning? What’s that?

    Heh…My best excuse for not doing it is that I have a hard enough time just keeping up with the normal stuff. Who needs extra work? Besides, spring is a time to be outside after having been cooped up for so long! And….I just don’t like cleaning….and…I’ve got all sorts of excuses for why I don’t spring clean!

    Pick me! I’d love a Dyson or an excuse to get out of the house! I could even _walk_ to Starbucks and enjoy the nice spring weather! 🙂

  91. Cleaning tip: Just do it! I procrastinate and sometimes it never gets done. 🙂

    AWESOME Giveaway!!

  92. A Dyson vacuum. Are you kidding? GREAT prize!
    I don’t do “spring cleaning” but have a nightly “evening checklist” that all six of us try to do. Keeps the big problems at bay.

  93. This is the year I don’t have to spring clean! We’re about to remodel our house so instead of cleaning, I’m letting the kids write on the carpet with markers. They think I’m the best mom ever.

  94. I turn hang all my hangers backwards. (From the wall) then when I wear it, I turn the hanger back to normal. This way, in a year, if the hanger is still backwards I throw it out!

  95. Woot what a giveaway! My first method of spring cleaning is going through the summer clothes and having a “fashion show”. Now this doesn’t work anymore since my daughter is soon to be 12. But for younger children it’s great fun, gets all the clothes out of the drawers to either wash or giveaway, and you can tell what’s too small on them. While the kids are doing their “show” for Mom, it allows you to grab a cup of joe and put your feet up for a few minutes and catch a breath in between all that other spring cleaning you’re doing.

  96. Really generous giveaway! I wanted one of these last year but it wasn’t in the budget so I got the Hoover Fusion for my birthday (which is supposed to be a Dyson knockoff). It works super so I can’t imagine how well the real thing would be! My spring cleaning tip is to work top to bottom. Do cobwebs and dust shelves first. Otherwise your pushing dust onto the floor you just vacuumed!

  97. Tip: Pick a room a day and focus on going through the drawers, shelves, etc and deep cleaning. Within one week, your house will be all *sparkly*. Unless you have three kids, like I do. Then it will be chaos. So I’m with everyone else – get a babysitter and do it in one day.

  98. My best tip if you want an exceptionally clean house, is to live alone lol. Since I have both husband and children, I live in a messy but happy house. I could really use a new vacuum too. Thank you for the incredibly generous giveaway! 🙂

  99. I’ve been haunting Flylady’s site, and I love her philosophy: You can do anything for 15 minutes. Gives me a kick in the pants: instead of being overwhelmed before I ever start, it makes it so much more manageable!

    Oh, a Dyson. I’m not worthy! (But I’ll take it anyway.)

  100. What awesome giveaways!
    Here’s my #1 reason not to spring clean – it’s beautiful outside and I’d much rather be out enjoying the sunshine with my son!
    And if you need another reason, my husband is much better at cleaning than I am!
    bobandgreta (at) gmail (dot) com

  101. My jaw hit the floor when I saw that the prize is a Dyson vacuum! That is so high on my wish list! LOL! wowsa.

    My spring cleaning tip:
    Brush the cats and dogs a couple of times a day to catch the fuzz at it’s source!

    Then spin it into yarn.
    Noreen over at

  102. A vacuum! The one at my work broke-and we need a replacement bad!
    A tip-hmm make a list and make a goal of when you want a certain task to be done.
    I still can’t get over the vacuum -drool-
    KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

  103. What an incredible giveaway! My house could definitely use a good scrubbing! We have a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and a 6 month old & 2long hair cats and someone is always spilling or dropping (or spitting up) something. So, my cleaning tip would be NOT to have kids or cats! 😉

  104. I don’t do spring cleaning. I generally try to de-clutter and deep clean a couple times a year. I also like to use the cleaning system found in the book “Sidetracked Home Executives.” Awesome give away. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  105. I could really use that dyson. My tip is to enlist everyone. Start in one room and work your way around the house

    parky695 at hotmail dot com

  106. I spring cleaned our sliding glass door and the dog promptly licked it and smudged it to the point that you couldn’t tell I’d touched it. Oh, and speaking of the dog, well… that Dyson would allow the shedding beast to be allowed in the house for longer stretches.

  107. I love my microfiber cloths! I just get four or five of them and whip through my house dusting all the nooks I never get to on a regular basis – make me fell so much better. Then I skip the rest of the spring cleaning and play with my son! 🙂

  108. My spring cleaning tip is to take clothes out of your closet that you haven’t worn in 2 years and donate them to your local rescue mission!

  109. Spring cleaning tip: Focus on one room at a time! & Reason not to: I don’t have a Dyson! Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me!

    Come enter mine for $25 for ebay!

  110. My Spring Cleaning tip is to get the whole family involved. They helped make the messes, they can help clean up! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  111. I have really wanted one of those vacuums! I really need to spring clean but a good reason not to is because I want to be outside! (

  112. Wow! I can’t believe it. That is awesome. My tip…Start small and focus on 1 room at a time. Always have a candle going to make the house smell fresh and clean.

    emily_albrecht at hotmail dot com

  113. My spring cleaning tip: start at the top of your room and work toward the bottom. Also, do one area at a time. This seems to work for me so I don’t get overwhelmed. I need this vacuum. I have horrible allergies and have to leave the house when my husband vaccuums. cookiecutter72 AT hotmail dot com

  114. My spring cleaning tip… CLOSE YOUR EYES! Ha ha ha…. but no in all seriousness… my allergies to dust etc are horrendous so sometimes cleaning and stirring things up makes it a bit worse. But I am getting the spring cleaning done little by little. ;o)


  115. Its a tip I got from FlyLady. Three boxes (or garbage bags). One is for stuff I’m keeping. One for throwing away, and the third for giving away. You’ll be surprised at how much you can get rid of. Every year I come out with at least six to 10 bags of stuff to toss!

  116. My reason not to do any spring cleaning this year – my 2 year old and my 6 month old. I am luucky to do any cleaning much less serious spring cleaning 🙂

  117. Spring cleaning tip …. hmmm … I’m not sure I have any useful tips, except for set aside an entire weekend and have a game plan and tasks for each member of the family to accomplish. This is an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!

  118. I’ve learned that freecycle weeds out a lot of junk throughout the year so that by spring time I don’t have a lot of extra cleaning I have to do.

  119. I don’t Spring Clean! I have a hard enough time keeping up with the other seasons, too, that I’m not going to add more work for myself, LOL!

  120. We always do Spring Cleaning when my mother-in-law is in town because she’s the expert! But otherwise, I would just say, take it one room at a time and don’t give up! My email address is in my Blogger profile, just in case I win!

  121. I do my spring cleaning in the middle of Cabin Fever January. I have to stay inside with it being cold so I do it then… I also recycle like crazy. a big trip to Sally Ann with stuff I’m not using!

  122. I think the only thing I don’t love about about spring is that pressure to get the spring cleaning done. I’d much rather be out in the garden. I’d weed and shovel and plant for hours, but dread that task of getting the house cleaned out. If I could afford it, I’d follow my own best tip – hire the Merry Maids!

    What a wonderful gift. Thanks so much for your generosity!


  123. I have been gradually doing spring cleaning. I have gone through so much our stuff and got rid of a ton. We have been in the process of shampooing are carpets. I would love to win the dyson I have heard great things about them.

  124. I hate cleaning so I’m not sure I have any great tips. But I would say spring is a great time to clean out your closet and get rid of any clothes you haven’t worn in the last year!

    lucycontest at

  125. My vacuum cleaner has seen better days, and I’d love to win this!

    I try to do some deep-cleaning jobs every week, so I never have to do major spring cleaning. If I saved it all up for one time of year, I’d never get around to it!

  126. My best spring cleaning tip this year is: take it slowly. Do one extra cleaning chore (or maybe two) each day. It certainly takes forever compared to tackling it all on a weekend or two, but it is much more feasible for this pregnant mama! 🙂

    I have been envying a Dyson vacuum for over a year now, and especially now that our current vacuum is trying very hard to break! 😦 Oh, how we would appreciate winning this one!

  127. My best spring cleaning tip would be to project clean throughout the year so you don’t have to spring clean all at once. If you still choose to spring clean, enlist the help of all your family. Even the littles can help by wiping baseboards.

    dj3hill98 (at) bellsouth (dot) net

  128. Throw stuff away! Or give it away. Clutter-free areas are so much easier to clean. (I’m still working on this, but it really does work.)

    My email addy is in my blogger profile, just in case I win!

  129. I could probably list a dozen reasons for why NOT to do spring cleaning, because it’s so not one of my favorite things to do!

    But here is my tip:

    If you haven’t used it in over a year, get rid of it! I really need to follow my own advice. 🙂

    I would LOVE to win the Dyson Vacuum cleaner, and the Starbucks gift card would do too!

    Please visit my blog when you get a chance:

  130. Can “hire a cleaning lady” be my Spring Cleaning tip? If not, I would say, to make spring cleaning easier…get the best vacuum you can…and that would be a brand new Dyson. Hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge…


  131. My tip: Don’t!

    Just kidding. Teach your little ones to help from an early age. Even if it’s just sweeping. There’s a great asset.

  132. My best tip – go through all your clothing and belongings and give away everything I haven’t used in a year!
    I would LOVE to win!

  133. Dyson or Starbucks, dont know which I would love more

    Dyson for allergies, starbucks for the mom who tries to keep the house allergy free.

    Spring cleaning Tip-
    Clean from Top to bottom and we have a room a day rule too that way you get some time outside too 😀

    Reason not to clean–
    Do I need one? lets just say I have a pile of good reading material at the ready.

  134. I’m not doing much spring cleaning due to morning sickness, but I am switching to using peroxide more than cleaners – cheaper and less stinky! Thanks 🙂

  135. Lets see reason to do it: Looks really nice afterwards.
    Reason not to: right after it is clean the kids get it dirty again so I might as well wait until they are finished making their mess to clean it up. j/k
    katie_mmartin (at)yahoo [dot] com

  136. My spring cleaning tip is to use a squeegee for the windows and to do them when it’s cool in the morning or evening, so you don’t have to worry about wasps (we have a problem with them here). 🙂

    Awesome prize – especially for my hubby and a couple of my kids who suffer from allergies this time of year. 🙂


  137. My tip for spring cleaning: Don’t do it all at once – you’ll get overwhelmed. Take it one closet, one drawer at a time!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  138. Hand a rag to your kids and put on some upbeat music. Dance around and have some fun family time while getting your cleaning done!


  139. Amazing giveaway! My tip: get the whole family to help, make a list for each person, crank some music and get to work.

  140. I love to do a yard sale every year! It helps get all the old stuff out of the way so you can feel airy and open! It’s good to go through everything once in a while!

  141. My best spring cleaning advice to have my mother come for a visit! She’ll have everything spit spined in no time!!

    I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE a Dyson!!!!

  142. wow a vacuum, really!!??!? that’s so cool! anyway, umm, i try to avoid cleaning at all times, so best reason to avoid – why b/c i’m so busy entering the bloggy giveaways 🙂

  143. Wow, this is an impressive giveaway!!!
    My tip is to vacuum every week. We live in a dusty area and just keeping this up seems to help with the nastiness everywhere else!

  144. my biggest tip for spring cleaning?
    i guess moving the pig outside.
    yes, we have a pig, she’s a real pig. she will be about 250 pounds in a couple of months (4H project) and she has been living in my HOUSE for the past month.
    please enter me…i could use the help (either the vac or the caffine)

  145. My son is FINALLY old enough to actually help with cleaning, not just make a bigger mess. For spring cleaning, he is getting paper towels and green window cleaner and I’m letting him loose!

  146. My best spring cleaning tip is to do things in small increments. I can never find huge chunks of time to devote to projects like that so I just do one or two small things a day. It makes a difference fast!

    Great giveaway!

    Courtneyhunt71 (at) aol (dot) com

  147. Wow, what a fantastic giveaway!

    My best spring cleaning tip is to NOT spring clean! I have learned that if I keep up with my cleaning and do all the deep stuff once a month or so, I don’t get so overwhelmed come spring! I still like to do a purge of clothing, toys, etc a few times a year!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  148. I am one of those crazy people who actually enjoy spring cleaning – everything smells and looks so good afterward! My tip is that I set a goal of what I would like to accomplish each day, ie: clean the living room, which means taking everything out of the curio cabinets, (dusting, washing, or polishing as necessary), or washing windows, or vacuuming & flipping all the mattresses in the house. I feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day, and know that I made some headway.

  149. My advice is to take it one room at a time….get rid the things you don’t need….my moto is, if you have not used it or worn it in over a year, get rid of it.

    This is a great giveaway…WOW…I’ve been looking at one of those cleaners……

  150. I got lucky this year with Spring cleaning… I didn’t have to! Because the owner of the house we were renting let it go into foreclosure and never told us so we found out when the bank posted a notice on our door. We moved and I didn’t bother to spring clean the home we left and the new house had just been remodeled so we went in and cleaned the walls and floors, but it was mostly good to go!

  151. Wow, what an amazing giveaway! I am really impressed. I would be happy to win the vaccuum or the gc. Thanks!

  152. My spring tip is to try to minimize stuff. We recently found out that my 4 year old has allergies. We have been trying to reduce dust attracting items all over. A Dyson would certainly help to get those dust bunnies that escape 🙂

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  153. Here’s my tip….rearrange your room. You’ll feel refreshed to have a new feeling to your room, and the floors and items will get dusted and cleaned with ease!

  154. Spring Cleaning tip #1: Set a timer for each project (frige, floors, etc…) There’s motivation in knowing that you could get the job done before the timer goes off–it helps me to actually get something FINISHED!

    #2 I have a friend who gives her two year old daughter a spray bottle with water and rag so she can help her Mommy clean (no, she doesn’t clean much, bet she gets into it which allows her Mommy to get things accomplished and it teaches her daughter the importance of cleaning)!

  155. My spring cleaning tip for this year is: find a (small) way for the 2 year old to HELP do those chores! They may not go any faster, but they will be a lot more fun. The other day I was working on washing all the windows, and my little boy got a dry paper towel to work with — he wiped & wiped & wiped while I used the Windex (and a whole bunch of paper towels). And when his daddy came home from work, he took him over to the glass door to show off his hard work — by patting the glass. {Sigh} Two steps forward, one step back, right!?

    Thanks for the chance to win – this is an AWESOME giveaway!!!

    fizzledink AT gmail DOT com

  156. Wow-great giveaway! My favorite cleaning tip-use a pumice stone to get that nasty ring in the toilet off. It works wonders and doesn’t scratch!

  157. Well, here’s my person spring cleaning philosophy right now: move. I’m moving, so I have no choice but to start fresh and clean the space I’m leaving behind!


  158. My best tip is to use a ShopVac on the hardwood floors to get the dog hair up. However, I still need a vacuum for the rugs and carpet. Our vac just went out and I’m in need of a new one. I’m just procrastinating in the meantime b/c I hate to spend the money. Please pick me!

  159. I don’t think my comment showed up so I’ll type it again. I did something wrong and it disappeared. I’d love to win the vacuum cleaner or the Starbuck’s card. Either one would make my day. I’m embarrassed to admit I am still using my 22 year old vacuum from when I first got married. We use it for the carpet and we use a central vac for the tile which is in most of the house. I would love to retire my 22 year old vacuum and replace it with the Dyson. As for my spring cleaning tip, I say spread it over a few days, enlist help and then celebrate with dinner out. My children help me. There are 10 of them, the three younger ones don’t help much but the older ones are great helpers. You have a lovely family. Kathy (mom to princesses in disguise)

  160. Fresh sliced lemons down the garbage disposal…smells really fresh and it cleans and disinfects!

    This is an awesome giveaway!

  161. I would so love that Dyson! My best spring cleaning tip is to use Apple Cider Vinegar when cleaning your wood floors. Works just as well as regular vinegar. It has a great smell and has some bug repellant or antibacterial benefits in addition to regular vinegar.

  162. For Spring Cleaning, I break out the hose and spray off the my siding and wash down my outside windows. I will be repainting the dining room soon as well. It needs a fresh new look.

  163. I just spring cleaned 4 rooms of my house! I moved all the furniture, dusted, vacuumed and washed the baseboards with soap and water. Do you think it stayed clean for more than 24 hours with my 3 kids running around here?! I wish!! LOL I could use a Dyson for sure!!

  164. A Dyson! What a generous give-away! My ‘tip’ is this: I get my dog shaved every 4 months. His long hair is the biggest dirt catcher, and carries it everywhere. By keeping him shaved, we cut down on dirt, and on loose dog hair. My carpets and my poor overworked vaccuum thank me for it!

  165. Once a week (or so) walk through the house with a damp rag and some sort of cleaner. Look for fingerprints–especially around light switch covers and get ’em while they’re fresh!
    smilingsal 55 at yahoo dot com

  166. My best tip is get the kids involved they hate cleaning their room but when I let them help me clean the rest of the house they think it is a special treat!

  167. What a great prize, I desperately need a new vacuum & this is the Ferrari of vacuums, lol. I have to be honest I am terrible at housework, but one tip is to open the windows to get fresh air in as you clean.

  168. My tip: hit one room at a time, top to bottom, including the windows. A squeegee is your best friend.

    Thanks for entereing me.

  169. Ok, for the stuck on food that your child left for you from breakfast, I use those pampered chef scrapers (those little brown scrapers). First I spay the table down with water/dish soap/vinegar mixture and then let it sit for a few moments then use the scraper to scrap it up off the table.

    I guess that’s more of a cleaning tip than a Spring Cleaning tip.

    Another good one…for mold/mildew on the walls in the bathroom from the previous owner (we rent), use the Magic Eraser and it cleans it right up!

  170. Super-awesome giveaway (sure hope I win the vacuum!)!!! Let’s see, something I do to make cleaning easier??…well, I spray down the shower with an ‘after shower’ type spray. It’s supposed to cut down the amount of cleaning I have to do. Not sure if it really works, but I keep on sprayin’! 🙂

  171. My Spring Cleaning Tip is Daisy Maids! They run fantastic spring time specials! (Hey, I’m a working mom…it’s worth it)

    Great giveaway!

  172. My best spring cleaning tip is to make sure to get help! Esdpecially if you have a baby! Open the windows, too…it gets you going more!

  173. My tip is to clean one room at a time! I get really overwhelmed if I think about doing it all at once! What a great giveaway! Please sign me up! Thanks!

  174. The best spring cleaning tip is..

    Make your own furniture polish.

    1 cup of olive oil
    1/2 cup of lemon juice (I used fresh squeezed)

    Shake and spray. It’s healthy, fresh and amazing on the furniture!!

  175. Awesome giveaway! I’m going to have to go with my best reason not to spring clean. It’s FINALLY nice out here and my kids want to play outside and I want to be out there with them!!
    threeofakindblog at gmail

  176. my tip…have a place for everything and PUT it in that place right away when you finish! also, i try to get rid of one bag (or more) worth of stuff EVERY time i clean (i give it away unless it is really junk!)…it really is helping decrease our clutter!

    theyakmom AT yahoo DOT com

  177. First, let me just say that you have a gorgeous picture for your profile!

    Spring cleaning tip: With our house on the market, I’ve found that it’s easier to keep it clean if I will do a 15 minute pickup throughout the house at night. I still do a deep clean Saturday, but there’s not as much stuff to hide, er… clean if I do it throughout the week.

  178. I would LOVE to win that Dyson! Thank you for the chance to do so!

    My tip for spring cleaning is to do a little bit at a time. I have a 2 year old and a 3 month old, so it is hard to clean for an hour straight! So, I do a little bit here and a little bit there.

    Reason not to spring clean? Because my kids keep me busy and I want to be sure to spend time with them!

  179. Every year we take everything out of the garage and do a “clean Sweep” dividing it up as trash giveaway or keep.. Each year our garage gets a little cleaner…maybe this year we’ll be able to fit the car?

  180. Best reason to put it off: After being confined in snow for way too long this year. Just open up your windows and doors let God dust. Go outside and explore the wonder of grass popping up. Spring flowers. Birds making nests. That smell in the forest of new life. the sound of water flowing as the snow melts and the water rages. Make time for your self and your family to re-discover the wonderful world. After a spring rain go out to see the happy ducks.
    Spring is full of new life , STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES. Life is short. Your family and the time you spend making memories is important.

    Thank you for giving me a chance to share.

  181. Um, yeah… my spring cleaning tip is to put it off until winter!! lol.

    Thanks for the great giveaway, and happy carnivaling!
    laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com

  182. Dust. Take a moment to wipe something off. Only seconds. It will help heaps!

    I’m ready with a Michigan address!


    Hey, don’t forget my giveaways!

  183. This spring we took up all of our wall to wall carpeting to reveal the old hardwood floors. It has made our house so much cleaner! I highly recommend this especially if you have allergies. You still have to vacuum as the floor gets dusty, but the air is just cleaner!!

  184. Oh my goodness, a Dyson AND Starbucks! What could be better! I think I’m going to say that Spring Cleaning is silly because I’d rather spend the time with my 14 month old son! Seriously! But, as far as actually cleaning goes, I can only take it one small project at a time because if I get too many big ideas, I’ll never find time to finish them all!

    Thanks for offering these!


  185. I nearly started hyperventilating… I need a new vacuum so badly!

    My spring cleaning tip is to make do of all resources in the house, pull out all the bottles of cleaners – use up the ones with just a little bit left first to get rid of them (even if they aren’t your favorite.. you know you still haven’t brought yourself to throw it away!)… and resources also include all the pairs of hands 🙂 Enlist everyone with jobs!

  186. Oh my word are you SERIOUS? I’d love one, really!! Especially since you used the evil word, “allergy”! 😉

    Hmm, spring cleaning tips, eh? Okay, here’s my very best one..get rid of the kids for a day! If I can send them off to grandma’s even for just half a day, I can get so much accomplished in so little time it’s insane!
    Then open the curtains, throw on some music, light a smelly candle, throw on a pretty apron – whatever to get a good cleaning mood and have at it! 😉


  187. I don’t have any good spring cleaning tips, I generally spend my time doing anything but cleaning. I think spending quality time with my son is the perfect reason to not clean, and that’s what I’m going with! 🙂

  188. Ohhhhh, please be good to me, random number generator! Mama needs a new vacuum!

    My spring cleaning tip is to clean early in the day… it’s so much harder to see dust once the natural light is gone.

  189. My favorite tip is to just try to do one or two “tasks” each day. That way it’s not overwhelming, and I don’t spend my entire weekend cleaning!

  190. My best Spring cleaning tip is to have your husband do the windows. Really. Hook him up with one of those things that goes on the end of the hose – he will LOVE it. Mine does anyway!

    Thanks for the chance – these are great giveaways!!

  191. Well, I alays (try) to do the spring cleaning with the kids. In this way they feel responsible and they actually emnjoy it. It might not go as quick as I would like but it’s very satisfying! (my kids are 10 & 6 & 10 months “she doesn’t help, she only watches”). Thanks for the great giveaway!
    ann dot guns at mac dot com

  192. what a great giveaway! My tip is just concentrating on one room at a time, if I try to do too many rooms at once I’ll get frustrated and give up!

  193. I have 4 good reasons not to. My 9 year old, my 7 year old, my 6 year old and my 4 year old. Because every single time I do, someone comes in and immediately undoes whatever it is I’ve just done!


  194. Spring cleaning is a breeze for me….my mother-in-law volunteers to do it every year! But, that Dyson would be put to great use the rest of the year don’t you worry. 🙂

  195. My mom is allergic to dust so her excuse/reason for not dusting unless needed is that dust is a protective covering for furniture! She says why remove something that protects?

  196. My best advice? Use your allergies as an excuse not to do any Spring cleaning. Although, if I win the Dyson that excuse could be out the window that I am trying not to wash!

  197. Holy Smokes, what a great giveaway! I guess my best spring cleaning tip is a pretty general one. Stay focused, don’t get distracted and finish one task before you get involved in another.


  198. Ok Spring cleaning tip! I ahve a general tip I use baby wipes to clean carpets. I swear by them try them out ladies they work!! As for spring cleaning I ahve all natural house cleaners, I try and keep down on the fumes. The biggest part of cleaning is getting things clean without being harmful, get yourself some good natural cleaners you won’t have a headache after a hard days of work. I know I do when using those other kinds! Cleaning can be hard enough without the headache afterwords. And some sday cleaning may hurt yourself but not that much. hahaha (my idea of a joke)

    Get everything clean don’t just do a room or two, do the whole entire house! I swear a clean home makes me feel better everyday!

    Love this giveaway how fun! delandkristin at

  199. Since my old, 50 pound vacumn just gave up the ghost, I’ve been happily putting off my spring cleaning.

    caity_mack (at) yahoo (dot) com

  200. This may sound simple, but I follow the “don’t put it there in the first place” rule. Meaning if you don’t make a mess, then there’s none to clean up. Easier said than done, though. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  201. I would really love to win this. My daughter has asthma and my rainbow vac which is a pain is broken. My tip is too get the whole family involved.

    Thank you

  202. Great Blog!!!! Great Giveaway!!!!


    Scrub those Screens!!!! I use a ball of aluminum foil for this!

  203. Oh, how I would love to clean with a new shiny Dyson! We have six cats and now that the seasons are changing, it seems like we have to vacuum every day just to keep breathing…ick.

    stop by and enter my contests sometime!

  204. do it around passover time-then you are in good company!no really my tip is don’t get too carried away b/c then cleaning becomes soooo burdensome.
    annjsav at gmail dot com

  205. I’m pregnant (morning sickness)…that’s how I’m getting out of spring cleaning this year…but if I won a Dyson I would at least have clean floors!

  206. My spring cleaning tip is to organize to get the most use out of your space. I have some electrical problems in my bedroom – my room needs to be rewired but the temporary solution was to “turn off” two of my outlets. After two months of just making do and not being able to use some things (like my CD player) I decided to get creative and rearrange things. This worked perfectly with spring cleaning!

    And I really need a new vacuum. Mine hardly works. Starbucks would be okay, too. 🙂

    Thank you!

  207. Um a cleaning tip…well … don’t do what I do… which is start something and not finish it. I am so horrible about spring cleaning… sorry! Maybe a new vacuum would help! 🙂

  208. I’ll be spring cleaning sometime very soon, because my allergies are starting to make me wish I had never been born. Keeping the house dust- and mold-free definitely helps, though I can’t do anything about the pollen outside.

  209. Spring cleaning tip – time to throw away my stove top burner trays and buy brand new ones. IDK!!! Is this you Annette???

  210. My cleaning tip would be to pick a nice day, open all the windows, turn on some fun music and have lots of ice tea!

  211. My best tip on spring cleaning is to not forget to air dust out your computer in the process. Excessive dust lurking inside of your computer can cause it to become overheated and die.

    Best reason to not spring clean? Allergies to dust…achoo
    Thanks for offering the giveaway! Fun stuff. kittysunflowers at gmail dot com

  212. Hi, I recommend not doing too much spring cleaning. Most people start to open their windows and all the pollen and dust comes back very quickly! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway drawing. Thanks,Cindi

  213. WOW, what a great contest!

    I think the reason to NOT do spring cleaning is because it takes too much time to do it. lol. If you keep your house clean throughout the year, no need to spend hours when the weather is finally turning nice.

  214. My tip is to get rid of your old thousands of cleansers and look into more natural/less toxic cleaners. Another benefit is some basic vinegar, baking soda, etc., can clean most of your house and you suddenly have loads of room under the sink when those bottles are gone!

  215. Oh how I would love to win this. This would make me very happy and just might inspire me to do some spring cleaning. I’ve been putting it off too long!

  216. If I won a Dyson…I seriously think dh would have to sleep in the guest room…since I would be sleeping with the Dyson, lol.

    My spring cleaning tip is more of an every day tip. I don’t do spring cleaning…I just feel like I am always cleaning!

    Step one: Take an empty laundry basket and have your kids follow you around, while they put all toys that are strewn around the house into the basket.

    Step two: While they put those toys away, (after you dumped it into their room), you take the laundry basket and put any shoes, odds and ends and clutter that might be laying around on the counters or the floor or the table, etc. Then you put that away.

    Step three: Go back to direct the kids and make sure they are actually putting the toys away…it’s all about focus!

    Step four: Take your Clorox wipes and go over all surfaces or spots on the floor that might need it.

    Then you can take a break. I do this on a daily basis!

  217. My best tip for cleaning windows is to use vinegar/water mixture but also a squeegee…paper towels leave too many streaks.

  218. I’ve always wanted a Dyson,
    and always love a Starbucks 🙂

    tip: Vinegar & Water for windows and coffee pots. Also, wipe the shower walls while you’re in there anyway, lol.

  219. Oh My Goodness !! A Dyson! Ok, I have to totally be honest here and say if I actually won that I would totally poo my pants :)And Starbucks is sooo yummy. Ok, I better give my best spring cleaning tip.

    To clean high or vaulted ceilings take an old broom handle or real long piece of wood (depending on length you need) and wrap a damp old sock on the end. Move the sock along the edges and in the corners of the ceiling the damp sock will collect collected dust bunnies and cob webs with great ease.

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    Take Care,
    Yummy Things & Cupcake Dreams

  220. Hey, Buddy!
    Let’s see… cleaning ideas? There are many many clean freaks out there coming out of the woodwork! Hmmm… I think I find some good friends who would come over with their iPods and some Starbucks and we sing at the top of our lungs while cleaning with some good old fashioned vinegar. I suggest flying a group of friends from Texas to come help! And… one girl should come with her dog, Abby!
    Thanks so much for including me in this popularity contest! 🙂
    Love you,
    Angie xoxo

  221. Here’s a tip: I spring clean in sections. I do one room at a time until it is completely done. this keeps me from getting overwhelmed and distracted.

    I hope i win. right now i am borrowing my moms vaccume because i dont have one 😦 woohoo this is awesome!!!!

  222. I love the verse at the bottom of your blog, first of all. 🙂

    Secondly, my advice isn’t really that “amazing,” but as a young wife it has served me well. I try to do a little bit of cleaning each day all through the week, that way I’m not facing it all on the weekend and can enjoy time with my hubby! If I *do* have anything left for the weekend, I try to finish it on Saturday so we can truly have a day of rest on Sunday and enjoy worship and fellowship on Sunday. 🙂

    Thanks for offering this incredible giveaway!

  223. To spring clean, I make a list of what I want to accomplish. Then I do one task per night after the boys are asleep until its done!!!

  224. Tip–keep up with cleaning as much as possible so there is never a TON to do at once. I try that, doesn’t mean my house is always spotless, but at least it’s not too embarrassing if someone comes over.

  225. My cleaning tip? just get to it already! The longer a job gets put off, the more monumental it seems. Get it done ASAp, and low and behold, you don’t have to think about it anymore, (and it very likely was a whole lot easier than you thought!)

  226. My best tip is to invite some people over. Then you HAVE to clean it!
    I know its time when my husband starts hinting that I need to have another Tupperware party, lol!

  227. Beautiful. The vac is beautiful. My spring cleaning tip is to win a Dyson.

    Thank you for giving me a few minutes of pleasure in dreaming of a new vac.

  228. I was so blinded by the light of the Dyson that I forgot to post my cleaning tip 😦

    I keep a cheap spray bottle of 50% each water and wintergreen scent rubbing alcohol in my bathroom. Anytime the toilet seat is not clean, I spray some on and use a bit of tp to wipe, then flush it away. It also makes the bathroom smell clean.

  229. My best tip, get contractor trash bags and stick one in every room, so that when you clean it out, you can toss it out, the bags are black, so no peeping in the bag and pulling stuff back out.

    What a fantastic giveaway!

  230. My best tip this year is invitie your mom to come and stay for a month! Mine was here and she did most of my Spring Cleaning! I kept telling her to stop (really, I did)! I did buy her lots of Starbucks though!!! Great giveaway.

  231. Best cleaning tip: lol invite family over for a dinner. It’ll freak you out so much you’ll have to clean at least a couple of times a year (including Christmas of course!)

  232. best reason not to clean? — the weather is GORGEOUS, and the kids will only be little once. (okay, I don’t actually follow that advise!!)

  233. I would say move every year… that forces you to clean. If that isn’t practical (which I’m guessing it isn’t) then I would highly suggest the “Sidetracked Home Executives” book. It gives you ways to organize your cleaning schedule so that spring doesn’t creep up on you and all of these chores haven’t been done in a year… I find my copy indispensable (and it’s funny!).
    Thanks for such an amazing give-away! neilsenjm(at)hotmail(dot)com

  234. I like the idea of cleaning for just 15 minutes in one room a day until it’s clean then moving on to another room. Everything gets cleaned, but it’s spread out over a longer period of time.


  235. Spring cleaning didn’t quite make my top ten list of things I adore doing. So I break it down into little chunks and put on some good music. Cleaning is a lot easier when I’m singing along to some music!

  236. Ah, cleaning tips…

    I love it when it is warm enough to open all my windows and feel the breeze. It is invigorating! It is always a good idea to put on shoes when you clean, too. For some reason I always get more done when I am dressed to shoes.

    Also, we save all our orange peels and the next time we do dishes we stick them down the disposal. It creates a pleasing orange scent and helps to scrub up the disposal blades!

  237. Holy hannah how I want that Dyson!
    My cleaning tip is to take it one room at a time or even one area of a room at a time. It’s easier not to get so overwhelmed that way.

  238. my tip is to marry a man who will do it for you 😉
    He loves to vaccuum and I would love to win a new one for him before the allergies attack him again!!

  239. I just PURGE in the springtime. I clean out and get rid of as much as I can. It takes a LONG time but it feels oh so good when I am done! Thank you so much for this giveaway… I am SO excited about this one!!!!!!

  240. Wow, what an awesome giveaway!!!

    My tip: Don’t try to eat the whole elephant all at once. Start small, with one room at a time, one day at a time. Don’t try to get it all done in one day, or a weekend. Take a month to do it!

  241. I love to open all the windows, clean my blinds and curtains, and let everything air out and fill my house with fresh spring air. In the kitchen I like to clean out my microwave by boiling some water with half a lemon in it and then putting a little of the lemon through the garbage disposal. Makes everything smell fresh.

  242. I love using the swiffer dusters because they pick up the dust and crud instead of leaving it around. I usually get quite a bit of wear out of them.

  243. I would love the Dyson!

    My best tips…I try not to do spring cleaning each year. Instead, I have my house broken up into zones. Each week is a different zone. In that zone, I deep clean, de-junk, etc. It is like Spring cleaning but instead of doing it all at once, I do it a little at a time.

  244. I’m trying to avoid spring cleaning, but I guess my tip would be similar to others – do a little bit at a time. That way it doesn’t seem so overwhelming. I can’t believe how much better my windows looked (last year) when my parents cleaned them for us…we had a 3 month old and weren’t really up for cleaning windows.

  245. My tip would be to do things a little at a time. It seems less overwhelming if you don’t have to give up an entire weekend! Hope I get the vacuum…ours is almost dead!

  246. Wow! This is a huge giveaway! I think i would cry if I won this lol.

    My tip is to mix dried lavender and baking soda and put it on the floors before you vacuum to leave a nice natural smell in the house.

  247. woohooooooo! what a giveaway!

    my spring cleaning tip is to bleach your sink and clean around edges with a toothbrush. then windex the sink…it will shine!

  248. Holy Cow, what a fantabulous giveaway! My best spring cleaning tip is to use vinegar water to clean your windows and get all the water spots from winter snow off!!!

  249. My tip is to save money on paper towels by cutting up old t-shirts that don’t fit or are out of style and make rags — they can be rewashed and reused after you’ve cleaned with them. 🙂

    My email is: anewandafresh (at) gmail (dot) com

  250. My tip is that I work in 15 minute increments. It doesn’t sound like a long time, but I get quite a bit done in those increments and I don’t get overwhelmed thinking about it.

  251. Wow, I would love to have a Dyson!!!!
    Spring Clean tip: Use water and vinegar for naturally cleaning counters and windows. It is so safe and cheap!!!!

  252. The best thing that works for me is to make a checklist of things that I want to accomplish and then feel good every time I check one off the list!

  253. Wow.. are you kidding?? A Dyson? I would scream like a little girl if I won a Dyson.

    As for cleaning I have seven dogs and a baby so things are always a mess.. I keep a little stash of cleaning products in almost every room so I can clean as I go.. I also try to clean one room each day… and saturdays we do the whole house, but that way it just doesnt pile up.

    I wanted to invite you to Connor’s First Birthday Party at Seven Dogs and a Baby as well. Its a huge blog party and we are the ones giving away the gifts! I have over $530 worth in prizes to give away!

  254. Well, since it’s just me, my biggest tip to break things up into reasonble tasks or it gets overwhelming! I’d love a new vacuum!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    rfw330 AT gmail DOT com

  255. Spring cleaning in my case is really Spring organizing. As far as either goes, for me, my only tip is once you start, don’t stop till you’re done. Because once I stop, it’s over. 🙂

  256. My tip is to get an apron w/ a pocket, get your duster and move around the room clockwise – dust/pick up/remove trash in that manner – put the trash in your apron pocket – you save time b/c you aren’t backtracking.

  257. Are you kidding me?? A vacuum cleaner??? A DYSON vacuum cleaner?? I feel like spring cleaning just thinking about it. Hmm, a tip…well yesterday I saw some dusty baseboards and I started cleaning them with my fuzzy socks that I was wearing. It was so satisfying that I just walked around the house in my fuzzy (now dusty) socks and dusted them all with my feet, never once bending down. I thought it was pretty brilliant if I do say so myself! Wow, I had a tip and I didn’t even know it! Thanks so much!

  258. My cleaning tip: If you’re stove is one of the glasstop type, use a little baking soda to scrub off the stuck on mess. It is non-scratching, absorbs grease and is much easier to use than the scraping blade. Just scrub with a damp paper towel and follow up with your regular stovetop cleaner!!

  259. Wow, a whole Dyson for a prize! You’re awesome! Thanks for the chance. 🙂

    My favorite thing to do with spring cleaning is to open all the windows and feel the fresh breeze in my musty-from-the-winter home. Of course, the spring weather is also the best reason *not* to spring clean – just go out and enjoy the perfect fresh air instead!

  260. My tip is when you fold your bed sheets after washing them if you will put it in one of the pillowcases you will have everything together and no more losing cases. Also it helps it smell better longer and takes up less space. I want a Dyson so bad! I hope I win!

  261. Great giveaway! Thanks for offering! My best tip for spring cleaning – move!! No, seriously, I am in the midst of moving to a new house this week, and as I’ve been boxing up items, it gives new meaning to the idea of going through piles of junk and asking myself “do I seriously still need this and does it warrant being packed in a box to move to the new place?” I have been throwing away bags of stuff I “thought” I really needed! :o)

  262. My tip is to make spring cleaning work FOR you. Have the family help clean out closets and uncover treasures no longer needed. Then on a nice weekend, have a garage sale. Not only will you get rid of lots of unwanted items but you will make some money too!! And don’t forget to share the proceeds with the kids–maybe a fun family outing or a pizza party.

  263. Open windows – fresh air is, uh, fresh.
    Also, picking a task at a time (sort through baby clothes, mop the downstairs, etc.) makes it more manageable.

  264. My best cleaning tip is to put on some really fun, fast music. It always gets my blood flowing, gives me energy, and almost makes cleaning fun – almost. Anyway, I would love a new vacuum. Our current one came from a dumpster (a neighbor tossed it when they were moving). It works but not very well.

  265. My Top 3 Spring Cleaning Tips…

    1) Do everything in small bites. Set the timer for 15 minutes per room you want to tackle and when the timer expires move on. This keeps you from getting mired down and frustrated.

    2) Keep a tote/bag in each room and as you pass through drop something in it that you want to donate or give away. This will help to lighten your load and help someone else at the same time. At the end of the week get rid of everything in the tote/bag as you had planned when you dropped it in.

    3) Since it is spring we are all updating our wardrobes so for every item you add you also need to remove something. If you buy 4 new tops you need to get rid of 4 old ones. This will keep your closet from getting too crammed and will also keep your look from being dated. Same goes for your kids toys!

    These are my top tips and what I try to practice all year, not just in the spring. I am so excited about the chance to win a Dyson…I am really wanting one! I would also very much enjoy a nice Ice Tea at Starbucks so either way I am happy. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  266. Break it up into little chunks and try to get rid of at least a box full of stuff (we all have stuff we don’t use). I really need a good vacuum. We just moved and our allergies are going haywire!

  267. Did my last comment go through. If not, my abbreviated comment was to wash your windows and let the sunshine in!

  268. Spring Cleaning Tip: Buy a bigger house that is new to you! We are trying to do that this week and then I will be so excited about cleaning it and getting it ready to move into. All our stuff will actually fit too, since it’s BIGGER! Thanks for the great giveaway:)

  269. My tip is to get the whole family involved. It is too nice to spend the whole day cleaning inside. Also, if you haven’t used it since last spring, throw it away!

  270. Great giveaway… My spring cleaning tip, wash your walls & carpets they hide that winter smell. Washing them makes your house smell clean spring fresh!


  271. Hi Annie!

    My Spring cleaning tip is to use a water and vinegar solution to clean your coffee pot. Run it through twice and then once with hot water and your Coffee pot will be clean and shiny with no soapy residue that can, over time give your coffee an aftertaste.

  272. Tip: Clean out closets and then donate the stuff so you dont have to re-clutter.
    Reason to not clean my windows because we are getting new energy efficient ones soon.

  273. Clean – and even more than that SPRING CLEAN!?! My best tip all around is this – one of my close friends and Beth Moore buddies on Monday nights has a cleaning business. We do the ole fashioned kind of bartering – she cleans and I mean REALLY cleans. I tutor her nephews. This is absolutely the best cleaing deal going!! And, we (Lauren and I) desparately need a new vacuum. This works for us!! love ya, Kathy

  274. My spring cleaning tip (sort of) is to do a little bit all year so there never has to be a HUGE cleaning! And get the kids involved!

  275. My best spring cleaning tip….hmmmmm. I’m an organizing junkie, so it’s tough to choose!

    I sort my kids (there are 5 of them) clothes according to season. Here in Canada it’s easy – scorching or snow, two main seasons, lol. I wash everything and pack it up in a giant clear plastic bin with a lid (enclosing a couple Bounce sheets). I try to fold and stack everything by size, so I know that if the top item is size 2, everything below it should be as well.

    Then, when it’s time to unpack the next season’s clothing, you just move it from the bin to the dresser of whichever child it will fit that year.

  276. My tip….a glass of wine and a friend on the other end of the cordless phone always seems to make cleaning go faster! mengels[at]hotmail[dot]com

  277. Here’s a tip that I’m doing to spring clean: move! I moved last summer (2x, actually) and it’s easy to finally get rid of that junk if you have to move it anyway. This might not be pratical for all, but if works for me!

  278. My best tip is something I strive to practice: don’t bring the clutter in AT ALL. I am still a work in progress.

    I must say that I not one to go ga-ga over appliance, but I have been ACHING for a Dyson for a long, long time. I also have a tendency to name appliances or cars in my life. If I won, I would name it Sunny.

    Real creative huh?

  279. I didn’t really clean this year as I was a little busy, but I did get rid of some clothes I don’t wear anymore. Which is my best tip-get rid of stuff and donate it to someone. I would love to win….

  280. My spring cleaning tip: Concentrate on one room at a time, and clean it from top to bottom.

    Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway you are offering, I would love to enter.

  281. What an awesome giveaway!

    My tip is to get rid of some things. The fewer things you have the less cluttered and more clean your house feels.

  282. Make a list, and set a timer. Try to beat the clock. Plan something fun to do in your clean house when you are done.

    I know this sounds funny, but sometimes I need the motivation.

  283. Awesome!

    For spring cleaning, put the kids to work! Get rid of things that sit around or that you haven’t or will never use again!

  284. Dry the shower tiles with a towel after you finishing bathing to prevent mold.

    Or you can re-caulk your shower as your spring cleaning!

  285. Oh my goodness!!!! How fantastic!!!! I soo hope to win this..i know the chances are slim…but still…what an AWESOME giveaway!!! Sooo generous!

    well…a good spring cleaning tip is to use pledge on wood floors…it helps protect them and makes them look fantastic!!!
    And a GREAT reason NOT to spring clean is that spending time playing with your kids is WAY more fun and beneficial to them! 😉

  286. Best tip of the day: Hire a cleaning service! They’re fast and you can go out and do your nails, bring home a nice dinner, and enjoy the beautiful day!

  287. My best spring cleaning tip is winning a Dyson vacuum! Just kidding. I can’t tell you how many times I have entered to win a Dyson vacuum. My house could definitely use one. I hear they work really well.

    My real spring cleaning tip is to use microfibre towels when washing windows or mirrors. They do not leave behind any streaks or lint and are slightly rough, which makes scrubbing spots off easier.

    I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

    michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

  288. I need a new vacuum. My tip for spring cleaning is take it slow and start small. You can get overwhelmed and burnt out if you try to do it all at once. Set a goal of when you want everything cleaned out and then have a garage sale or something to get rid of what you no longer need. This way your hard work can pay off in the end!

    Starbucks would be great too!

  289. Is this not what all allergy sufferers need?

    Hey Annette! (waving madly so you can see me over the crowd.—actually, I am really tall so you can probably see me anyway.)


  290. Wow, what an unbelievable giveaway! I’d love one of these!
    Hmmm. My favorite spring cleaning tip? Open up the windows and doors and air the house out to get rid of stale smells and freshen naturally. 🙂 thanks!

  291. pull out all furniture from walls and vacuum , after a quick pick-up. then rearrange it all.
    dust the blinds well with microfiber cloths.
    polish all furniture and wipe down walls. now you have 1 room done so you can move on. order a pizza for supper lol

  292. cleaning tip??? have friends that motivate you…and will help! do a cleaning party. monday, x house…tuesday y house…wed z house…

    wow…you are doing an INCREDIBLE giveaway!!! THANK YOU!!!! WOW!

  293. Oh oh!!! I am dying to win this(as I’m sure everyone is!).

    My spring cleaning tip is to get a babysitter! lol. Really though, I say get rid of the chemicals this year. Clean as naturally as you can and everyone will feel a lot better. I can get a lot more cleaning done when I’m not working with nasty chemicals because they make me feel ill and then I’m more apt to take a break!

  294. My best spring cleaning tip is: take two trash bags to a closet or a place with you, one for trash and one for giveaway. And that way you are starting fresh with things. I also suggest getting a small carrying tote or something to take around all your supplies with you. With allergies upon me (I have severe) I’d love the dyson, thank you for the great contest!

  295. What a great giveaway!
    My spring cleaning tip is to start by getting rid of the clutter- it makes the rest of the cleaning so much easier.

  296. What has helped me the most is to keep a roll of paper towels, glass cleaner, toilet scrub brush and cleaner in EACH bathroom (we have 2).

    That way, you can do a quick swipe and scrub whenever the mood hits you. No procrastinating b/c you got distracted on the way to the kitchen or wherever to get the cleaning products– it’s RIGHT THERE at your fingertips!

  297. My Spring cleaning tip is to have someone watch your kids (mine are 2 and 3) and start first thing in the morning to get your momentum going. Oh, and don’t forget your Starbucks. LOL.

  298. I love using white vinegar to clean with. I also use it with some leom juice to clean my microwave!

    tuesdayef (at)aol(dot)com

  299. Oh gosh! I could use the Dyson. Our vac is on it’s last leg. Of course coffee is GREAT too! LOL!!!

    I keep some cleaning supplies tucked away in each room so this way when I finish getting ready in the morning I can get out some wipes or windex and give the bathroom a quick once over. Then on the weekend I give the place a good scrub down.

    Extra hands (hubby and the kids) help too!

    My name is Kimberly but for some reason it’s showing my son Matthew’s name.

    I can be contaced at hunnyv and then at and then optonline and then dot net.

  300. Vinegar, water and a smidgen of dishsoap make the best window cleaning solution. That, and a god squeegee. Took me only 10 minutes to clean my outside windows yesterday. With Windex and a towel, I’d still be there…

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  301. Amazing gift, thank you!! My spring cleaning consists of getting organized! I love rubbermaid clear containers and labels for everything!

  302. what great giveaways. my best tip is make sure to vacuum under all couches and beds. it’s amazing what accumulates under there.

  303. My spring cleaning tip is to avoid cleaning at all costs. 😉 If that fails, then do a little at a time, so it’s not so overwhelming.

  304. Now that vacuum would certainly make cleaning an easier job. Spring cleaning, doesn’t really happen here, as I like to keep my home clean year round, but I do take down blinds and give them a nice wash in the bath tub and then hang them over clean windows.

  305. My tip: make the kids do it!

    Just kidding! Spring cleaning is something I’ve never done in the past but since we’re putting the house on the market to move (the old educational sacrifice for the kids) I HAVE to and goodness this is insane!

  306. SPRING CLEANING TIP : Splurge and hire a cleaning service! It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself! 😉

  307. Wow a Dyson vacuum!!!! I would love this!!
    My best spring cleaning tip is to let your kids help!!! Give them a swiffer or a swiffer duster while you are doing the heavy duty stuff! My little ones love to feel like they are helping. They also love to scrub floors! 🙂 I am so glad they like to help me! Maybe when they get older they will too!
    Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  308. I have what I’m claiming to be a good reason- I’m having my 5th baby and I don’t want to. Not a good reason and I’ll have to do it anyway so a dyson would be awesome!

  309. My best spring cleaning tips are to make sure you have baking soda and vinegar in surplus and throw open your windows! You have non-toxic cleaners and fresh air-how much more “spring” like can you get?

    Why not spring clean? You’re too busy in the garden!


  310. What a great giveaway! My reason *Not* to is that 1. I am in college and 2. We do not have a vacuum in my entire sorority house…not a good idea! I wish I had tips, but unfortunately I am a mess right now! I would love to win either of these! 🙂

  311. Well, this is my year-round cleaning tip…but since we installed all new windows in our home, I clean 4 windows each weekend. They are the windows that you can clean from the inside, so it’s kind of like cheating, but I then I always have great looking windows!

  312. My (tongue-in-cheek)Spring Cleaning Tip (which is also I reason NOT to):
    Have a baby! I just had my newest addition a few weeks ago and my mother-in-law and hubby spent the whole time I was in the hospital re-organizing, purging old junk and cleaning! My parents watched the girl so they were not underfoot (or undoing the cleaning in any way) and the baby and I came home to a organized house!


  313. My cleaning tip – good music for starters; and opening the windows for fresh air (if it’s not a day where the pollen is coating your world).

    There’s no better clean smell than the freshness of outdoors! And you can clean better (see more dirt) with natural light.

    I’d love to win this Dyson -whoever gets it will possess the best cleaning ‘secret’ of all – a good vacuum is key to a really clean house.

    Thanks for the giveaway and great comment idea!

  314. Did I read this correctly? You are really give away a Dyson?!? I have been eyeing one of these forever but have always found something else more pressing to use the money on.

    Spring Cleaning Tip…I now use microfiber cloths when cleaning my windows and mirrors. It makes the job seem quicker and NO SMUDGES or paper residue is left behind. Plus, they are washable.

    Reason to NOT spring clean – it’s so much more fun to be OUTSIDE and enjoy the warm weather. 🙂

  315. My tip is to send your husband away to a conference for 4 days so that you don’t have to make suppers and then do an entire house blitz. I had so much more time when I wasn’t worrying about supper prep.

  316. I’m all about ‘less is more’ so my spring cleaning consists mainly of getting rid of the built up clutter or winter. The less clutter, the less I have to clean.

  317. I like the first commenter- getting mom and dad’s help. Actually, when they come to visit we clean. My mom complains about our vacuum, too. She wanted to get my husband a new one, but he didn’t want one. I DO. And a Dyson would be fantabulous. And I love starbucks, too.

  318. Why spring clean? With 4 animals, it will just be dirty the next day. Helpful hint: Just picking up around the house will make it look better, no one really searches for dust. 🙂

  319. If I ever find the time to clean, using newspaper to clean windows instead of paper towels makes for a no-streak marks happy ending!

  320. OK – my tip… form a babysitting co-op and take turns watching eachothers kids while their moms clean the house (and don’t forget to take your turn cleaning too!). THis also works for trips to the store, doctor or just some time to get other stuff done. You KNOW they will watch your kids well, cause you get THEIR kids next!!!!
    My aunt did this when we were little (she kept us during the day while my mom worked) and I always remembered how well it flowed together. So, now as a mommy of two little ones, I use the idea!

    My reason for cleaning: We HAD to really clean the house this weekend for our adoption placement visit! Three more months and she is FOREVER ours!!!
    Praise God!
    (I will be doing another SERIOUS praise dance with that there vacuum … or Starbucks, I’,m easy!)

  321. Spring cleaning? I think a good reason not to, is that it will be dirty again in less than a week. Seriously, with little ones, I hardly bother! If I were to try, I think the best tip I could offer, would be to send the kids to grandmas…

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  322. My best Spring cleaning tip – do it in small chunks – if I try to do too much at once – I do a crappy job or get fed up – little bits I can handle and since we moved last summer – I got rid of lots of stuff and now any cleaning isn’t so bad.

    My all time best tip would be to hire someone else to do it 🙂

  323. My tip for spring cleaning is to make it a family affair… We all need to pitch in so no one feels unfairly dumped upon.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  324. AWESOME contest! My tip is to make it a family affair. Give everyone a chore and limit the time. Open the windows and turn on the music!!

    Thanks so much for offering the contest. I’m hosting 3 contests this week. Stop by!

  325. Holy Cow a Dyson!! I would love to win this fantastic prize! I have been busy cleaning my house getting ready to put it on the market!

    One tip that I use quite often is while I am on the phone I get my Pledge and my Blind duster thing and start dusting. That way when I get off the phone my blinds are dust free! Did I mention that I talk on the phone alot! 🙂

    Thanks for the chance to win! Have great day! I am giving away some things at my blogs so come visit!

  326. Spring cleaning? Oh, that thing you do when company’s coming over, no matter what time of year it is? 😉

    One thing I do is have the kids help with chores each day. They have a “chore basket” with 6 choices in it, and every day but Sunday they have to pick a chore. They can’t do the same chore they did the day before, and they can’t do the same chore that their sibling just pulled out. (I only have two kids.) This way, at least a few basic things get done on a regular basis, so it makes things easier all around!

  327. Wow, I would love a new vacuum. Though free coffee would be nice too. I don’t have a good cleaning tip, but a good reason not to is that it’s warm outside and the kids want to run and play. Who could dlean at a time like this?

  328. tip would be to have someone watch your kids. also have a list of what needs to get done. i always find myself getting ditracted and never finishing the first job. not to do spring cleaning the kids will just mess everything back up!
    bwalleshauser AT yahoo DOT com

  329. My spring cleaning tip: enlist the help of my parents when they come visit this spring to help me clean my windows!

    I’ve been told (I’m going to try it this time) that dish soap in water works better than Windex.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

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